NMAS 05.10

Information Management

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


Information management is an integral part of all activities in mine action in Lebanon. It refers to the quality management processes adopted to collect, process, store, analyze, retrieve, and use data to support informed decision making. Efficient information management ensures that mine action managers and other stakeholders have access to optimal information when making decisions. To be efficient, information management requires the close collaboration of all parties in a mine action program. Transparent information management makes programs easier to manage and the management accountable. It enables monitoring, evaluation and comprehensive quality management. Within mine action, different information management systems may be employed to assist users achieve their information management needs. Like many other mine action programs around the world, the LMAC uses the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA). IMSMA was developed and first released by the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) in 1998 to “make mine action safer, faster, more effective, and efficient”. Since then, it has been regularly upgraded and improved. IMSMA was first adopted in Lebanon in 2001 and has been regularly upgraded with successive IMSMA upgrades released through GICHD. Using IMSMA and its embedded Quality Management processes, the LMAC works to ensure that IM in Lebanon is conducted in close collaboration with key stakeholders, including demining organizations and members of the MVA and MRE steering committees. This cooperation facilitates transparent monitoring and evaluation and ensures appropriate accountability to the community and to donors.