NMAS 09.31

Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal (IEDD)

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


The world is experiencing an unprecedented increase in the use of IEDs in areas of conflicts. In Lebanon this newly identified threat is especially close and present. In military operations, an IED when encountered represents an obstacle to overcome. In humanitarian mine action, IEDs can present a problem that affects a broad range of the local population, and their presence requires an effective response to manage and remove the special risks that IEDs represent. IEDs can present a greater hazard than other EO. Frequently, their irregularity in shape, size, initiation system and disguise, means that IEDs present a higher risk to both the local population and to the deminers/searchers tasked with locating and destroying them. The inventive complexity and creative “genius” of an IED depends on the imagination and creativity of the person(s) responsible for its fabrication. In asymmetric conflicts, often their goal is simply to manufacture substitutes for munitions they do not have access to. Typically, these can include bombs, rockets, mortars, and mines. An IED can be designed to detonate on delivery or after a time delay. They may also be command detonated or victim initiated in a variety of ways. Many are designed to act very similarly to conventional munitions and, until recently, very few of these devices were designed to specifically target the individual who is sent to find and destroy them. However, in areas where improvised bombs or mines are widely used, it is increasingly common for some of them to have been fitted with multiple initiation systems including improvised proximity and anti-disturbance devices that deliberately target those seeking to find and remove them. Effective search and Clearance activities in areas with an IED threat requires especially high levels of planning, training, preparation and risk management as described in this standard.