NMAS 09.33

Guide for the Demolition of Mines and Explosive Ordnance

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


This NMAS provides guidelines for the demolition of mines and all other Explosive Ordnance (EO). It focuses on ensuring that all demolitions are conducted safely, effectively, and with minimum impact on the surrounding population and environment. Demolitions can scatter fragmentation over a wide area and unscheduled demolitions can cause unease and distress to the local population. Unauthorized demolitions may also cause unnecessary alerts among the LAs, local police, LAF and/or UNIFIL. To avoid these problems, the demolition of all EO shall always comply with the requirements of this NMAS. The tightly controlled demolition of explosive hazards shall either occur inside the perimeters of task sites or in designated demolition areas that have been formally approved for that use by the LMAC. All munitions and weapons caches discovered by implementing agencies (IAs) during demining work shall be reported to the LMAC immediately. The LMAC should arrange for them to be secured, transported when necessary, and ultimately destroyed. Although the Government of Lebanon neither possesses nor maintains a stockpile of antipersonnel mines it is possible that while conducting demining operations implementing agencies (IAs) may come across abandoned anti-personnel mine caches or stockpiles placed by previous militias. These shall be recorded and formally demolished under the direction of the LMAC.