NMAS 12.10

Mine/ERW Risk Education

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


Lebanon faces a severe problem of mine and explosive ordnance contamination, affecting various regions in the country. The population density means that the level of contamination is grave. The impact of mines, sub-munitions, improvised explosive devices, and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) hinders development, affects livelihoods, and continues to impede the ability of impacted communities to fully recover even after the cessation of hostilities. Out of need, breadwinners, especially farmers and shepherds, often enter into known contaminated land and risk their own safety and, if they are injured or killed, the wellbeing of their dependents and families. Others, especially children, enter areas without realizing the danger and are especially vulnerable to explosive hazards that do not spare anyone. To help decrease the likelihood of explosive incidents and the number of victims, the LMAC engages in awareness raising activities and conducts Mine Risk Education (MRE) in line with the standards provided herein. The LMAC, in coordination with and through the MRE Steering Committee, is also responsible for managing, coordinating, prioritizing, monitoring, evaluating, and following-up all activities that are implemented nationally within the framework of MRE. MRE is, of course, not only concerned with the threat presented by landmines. It remit covers all explosive hazards left over from previous conflicts that may threaten the people of Lebanon. To avoid people falling victim to explosive hazards without fully realizing the risks they are taking, Mine Risk Education is conducted as a critical part of Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). Alongside broader national MRE initiatives, priority is given to targeting high risk areas identified using a national Needs Assessment process. Two distinct but complementary kinds of MRE projects are delivered in Lebanon. These are a general public education MRE program that is delivered country-wide and smaller targeted MRE activities conducted in high priority areas.