NMAS 14.10

Evaluation of Mine Action Interventions

Edition 2.1 - March 2020     DOWNLOAD


The Government of Lebanon (GoL) has a duty to ensure the safety and security of the people in Lebanon. In response to the suffering and damage caused by mines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW), the GoL does all that it can to provide humanitarian, economic, social, and environmental support that reduces the impact of mines/ERW on individuals and the community. To further this goal, the GoL assigned responsibility for managing and overseeing the Lebanon Mine Action Program (LMAP) to the Lebanon Mine Action Authority (LMAA), chaired by the Minister of Defense. In 2007, the GoL published a National Mine Action Policy, outlining the structure, roles, and responsibilities within the LMAP. This Policy made the Lebanon Mine Action Center (LMAC) the body responsible for executing and coordinating the LMAP on behalf of the LMAA. It also assigned to the LMAC the responsibility for managing, coordinating, and facilitating mine action interventions implemented within the framework of Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) to ensure that all interventions are aligned with the National Mine Action Strategy. The LMAC is empowered to monitor, follow-up, and evaluate all HMA interventions by implementing agencies (IAs). Objective and independent evaluations add value to mine action activities by assessing relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. They provide a knowledge base on which to base the Quality Management cycle of continual assessment, revision and responsive change in pursuit of excellence. Recognizing that evaluation is a core stage in both the Project Cycle Management (PCM) and in Quality Management, this NMAS sets out clear standards for the systematic evaluation of mine action programs, projects, and activities.